About the Book
Northern California Publishers & Authors Book Award Winner (2019)
Folsom Telegraph: Best of the Best Award Winner (2019)
Red Rover Recommended Reading List
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Bestseller: Top 20 books of 2020 (Ruby's Books)
Daisy and the Dirty Dozen
Daisy and the Dirty Dozen is a children's book written and illustrated by Brian Wallace and edited by Jessica Wallace.
The book is about a suburban family (The Wallaces) that is visited by a female mallard duck. The duck stops by on occasion to swim in the family swimming pool. Over time, the visits become more frequent and "Daisy" seems very comfortable in the family's swimming pool. Mr. Wallace suspects that Daisy may have a nest in the yard and is concerned about the mess that a family of ducks might make.
Attempts to shoo away Daisy are fruitless and it becomes clear Daisy is protecting a nest and her eggs.
Mr. Wallace prepares for the arrival of the ducklings and within a few days, a dozen ducklings emerge.
The book follows the adventures of Daisy and the Dirty Dozen and their 2 week stay in the Wallace family swimming pool.
The book offers an up-close look at a mother's care for her young, the responsible treatment of wildlife, and the complexities (and joys) of sharing your backyard with a family of ducks.
The Daisy and the Dirty Dozen Coloring & Activity Book
The Daisy and the Dirty Dozen Coloring/Activity Book is a companion to the children’s book, Daisy and the Dirty Dozen, a true story written and illustrated by Brian Wallace. Daisy is a mallard duck that laid her nest in the Wallace family’s backyard. The family welcomed Daisy and her 12 ducklings and learned about sharing their backyard with a family of ducks and embracing the unexpected. The book contains 23 one-sided coloring and activity pages that are designed for children between 5-10 years of age. Your purchase provides you with permission to reproduce and distribute pages from the coloring/activity book. The book features coloring pages, word puzzles, and activities that explore themes from the children's book including empathy and compassion.